Granted, I’ve only been a mom for coming up on 15 months now, but I still figure I’m at least semi-qualified to tell you exactly what your mom – or the mother of your children – would love you to do for her this Mother’s Day! While you’re at it, you can put some of your tailgating prowess, and equipment, to good use for the occasion. You’ve got five days left to figure it out – yep, Mother’s Day is this Sunday, better get on it – so here are five ideas for what you can do for your special someone, especially if you’re, ahem, married to a mom!

5. Don’t let a mom (or your wife?) get the kids out of bed. Beat her to it! And let her rise gently to the sounds and smells of scrambling eggs and crackling bacon that you are making for the kids – and if she feels so inclined to get up – for her as well. Heck, grill that bacon and sausage out on the back patio if you want to use the tailgating gear and make dad (or older son or daughter?) seem extra cool to the kids. That might even mean a little more peace and quiet for Mama. Actually, the more I think about this, the more I think this idea should be No. 1!
4. Use that wonderbag slow cooker to make your mother, or the mother of your children, a delicious dinner ahead of time, one that smells great cooking all day and allows you to be free to spend quality time with her during the day Sunday.
3. Get out a blanket, some folding chairs, and make a picnic, even if it’s only sandwiches in the backyard. Look, moms are not looking for you to break the bank. I promise you. They are looking for sweet and thoughtful, and if you do something that requires more planning than picking up a card and some flowers the night before (not that we mind those either!) you will be in good for a while. Remember, Father’s Day comes after Mother’s Day, so husbands can set the bar.
2. Send your wife or mom out to get a massage or pedicure – hey, whatever, she makes her feel special and helps her relax – while you take the kids to the park, or the movies, or to a sporting event, then meet back up for a steak dinner on the grill. Heaven! Don’t forget to pair a great red wine! This will works for a mom too, even if there are no young kids involved. Trust me!
1. Present her with tickets to an upcoming baseball game, NASCAR race, outdoor concert, whatever fun activity might be coming up on the calendar, even if just a summer pops concert in the park. She will love it, especially if you tailgate beforehand and plan and execute the menu instead of her! The more I think about it, the more I hope my husband reads this post!