New Year’s equals the opportunity for a new start, new hopes and new opportunities. While there is a high probability that my resolution to eat healthier and exercise more will go by the wayside as soon as the Sports Licensing and Tailgate Show happens in late January, there is always the chance this year will be different.

A part of my resolution process is mapping out the events that I would like to personally attend in 2016. After careful consideration, I was able to create my Top 5 Personal Bucket List for 2016.
- The Masters – I am fortunate to have gone to this lifetime bucket list event before. Now that Tiger’s time has pretty much past, it is time for new rivalries to emerge with these amazing young golfers. If you have never been before, my suggestion is that you go to a practice round or on Thursday to walk the entire course and take it all in. Go on Friday as the players are battling to make the cut. I like to pick a primary spot to settle in for the day. My personal favorite is 16 Tee Box, first row, right on top of the golfers. Try to get an even number of white beer cups and green beer cups for balance. Make sure to bet on closest to the pin and birdies…
- A Double Dip – I like the opportunity to go to two different professional sporting events in one day in the same city. One time I hit the Atlanta Braves in the afternoon and then the Atlanta Hawks playoff game at night. There was quite a fun and memorable bar stop in between that you had to be there to really be there to appreciate the memory. I was much younger back then, but I would like to give it the old college try. My target is Philly where you can basically stay in the same parking lot for baseball, basketball and football. Cleveland and Oakland are the other cities I will target Lil Big Top 5 Personal Bucket List for 201
- To try and get a double dip in this year.
- Sonoma Raceway – I have personally never been to that raceway but know it is a one of kind experience. My favorite FAQ in the Fan Guide: “Is tailgating allowed? Absolutely, we encourage it both before and after the races. If you plan on grilling, please use a propane gas grill only.” I think they should add, “and tailgating with wine from one of our close by vineyards is a perfectly acceptable.” I don’t drink wine at tailgates, but when I do, it will be at Sonoma. Now I just need to figure out if I want to do NASCAR, IndyCar, or Drag Racing….
- EGGtoberfest – While I am not an “EGGhead” I do enjoy the passion that EGGheads have for cooking on the Big Green Egg. This one day festival has grown to over 200 Eggs cranking out food for over 3,000 people. Chefs come from all over the word to showcase their special creations. October can be a tough month to make it with all the college and NFL opportunities, but it is going to have to be forced into the schedule. My favorite food from the 2015 video was the Sausage Turtles from the O Soo Krewe from New Orleans. I hope they show up and do them again in 2016.
- Summer Olympics in Rio – After hosting the World Cup in 2014, Rio is now bringing on the Summer Olympics in 2016. I missed the World Cup fever, but I don’t want to miss this event. The sun, the beach, the nightlife, the games…is there going to be a more fun event to attend?
That’s my five! Hit us up in Social Media and let us know your five targets for 2016!