When we get a craving here in the office (The Shed), we enjoy looking up different tailgating recipes and trying it out. Here’s one that I found awhile back that I haven’t shared yet and thought It would be perfect because not only does it have beer in it, it has brats. A hot brat is perfect in the lots during the fall! If you have a tailgating recipe that you would like to share shoot me a message at [email protected]. If you have a picture of your recipe, that would be awesome so feel free to send that too!

Beer Simmered Brats
Serves 6
Ready for Beer Simmered Brats? They are easy and delicious!
- 2 12-oz. cans of beer
- 2 large onions, thinly sliced
- 6 uncooked bratwurst
- 6 good quality hot dog buns or small submarine rolls
- 1 1-lb. bag refrigerated sauerkraut, drained
- Brown Mustard
- Pickle Relish
- Oil for the grill racks
Heat a gas grill using all burners on high and with the lid closed for 10 to 12 minutes.
Combine the beer, onions, and brats in a large saucepan. Set over medium high-heat and bring to a boil (use your grill side burner if you have one). Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the brats are just cooked through, about 8 minutes.
Remove the brats from the pot and place them on the grill. Grill the brats for 8 to 10 minutes,turning them frequently to brown them evenly on all sides. When they’re done, slide them into the buns and top with mustard, sauerkraut, or relish.
Fred Thompson, from Barbecue Nation (Taunton, 2007)
The Best of Fine Cooking, Tailgating 2010