Here at Inside Tailgating we create some pretty random and off the wall debates in our office and out at tailgates. One of our favorite debates is becoming an open weekly discussion this Fall. We are throwing Pop-Culture into the Tailgating Mainstream and allowing you to debate with us…“Who Would You Rather Tailgate With….?” I, SportsBoy, will be creating a new match up each week. I will start by giving my own Pros and Cons analysis and then leave it for you to debate with me and amongst your friends. My weekly analysis will consist of three themes and a five point scale for each theme. These themes will vary based on the match up. LET’S GET IT ON!

In honor of these ladies facing off on National Television this week in the ratings wars, our first match up is….Britney Spears vs. Christina Aguilera!
The three themes for these girls will be:
- Appearance – who is going to wear what and how good are they going to look
- Contribution – what would they make or bring or contribute
- Enjoyability – is that a word? Ok…bottom line, who would you have the most fun with and why
Remember all the way back to the days when these two were preteens and teenagers on the Mickey Mouse Club? Yea, me neither, but I’m pretty sure they were both on there. By the way, how about Disney just telling the world that over the next 20 years these people are going to be famous whether you like it or not. Thanks Disney…thanks a lot! Oops…I digress. Ah yes, back to when the two little girls only knew of Tailgating from their redneck friend’s parents. Anyway, now they are all grown up and continue to plague…I mean entertain us on a weekly basis on National T.V. (Thought I was joking about my Disney/Big Brother reference) So who would it be, Britney or Christina at your Tailgate?
O.K. I may not be going in order but let us begin with their Contribution. Which one of these beautiful ladies is going to be a better cook? Well, have to say this one is going to be a draw because let’s face it, most likely neither Britney nor Christina has probably prepared their own food in quite some time. Even though neither young lady is going to be cooking at your Tailgate, it seems that Britney will definitely not shy away from doing some eating and would probably be more than happy to contribute something to the party. Christina strikes me as more of a diva that will only eat specially prepared, dietary nonsense, and then only after one of her minions has performed a taste test. So as long as Britney brings the wings and burgers she can eat whatever she wants. Britney takes the lead here (Britney 4.0, Christina 2.8)
Maybe now it’s time to get down to brass tacts…which one of the girls is going to make your Tailgate look better with her Appearance? Once again, I think I’m going to have to lean Brittany here. Both ladies still have their looks intact, and we are all grateful that they have plenty of time to focus on looking good. Christina being from the Pennsylvania area and having a slight urban edge is most likely going to appeal more to the guy at the Eagles or Giants game. Brittany on the other hand is from Louisiana. I mean really, nuff said there, everyone from Louisiana knows how to Tailgate. Britney is going to play better in the SEC Tailgate. Maybe Xtina is more Pro and Britt is more college? Hey, put a short skirt and some boots on both girls and I am in…just sayin.’ Either way…edge Brittany (Britney 4.6, Christina 4.4).
The third criteria I have coined for this week is “Enjoyability” at your Tailgate. While I am quite sure that Christina likes to have a cocktail from time to time, Brittany strikes me as a girl who is simply not afraid to do a kegstand. Christina from the “Naughty” video would definitely knock some shots back with you, maybe even offer up some body shots. Britney shaved her head on time…whether that was to try and escape a drug test (Not a factual comment, just info that is out there on the streets) or just an impulse new look, any girl that likes to take it to that extreme is welcome at any Tailgate I know. If you have a Karaoke set at your Tailgate (Really, who doesn’t these days), Christina earns some points because she actually has an incredible voice behind the face, hair, breasts, legs…woah…got a little carried away there. Anyway, you know what I’m saying. So, Christina’s voice vs. Britney doing kegstands in a short skirt? Close one to call, so I will make this category a tie (4.7 each).
From Sportsboy’s point of view, Brittany Spears has won the first “Who would be better to Tailgate with?” competition from almost real scientific data – FINAL SCORE: Britney 13.3, Christina 11.9. Now the only thing left to do is score ‘em yourself and argue about it. And really, is there anything that says Tailgating more than that? Let us know what you think. We cannot wait to hear where the two lovely ladies stack up on your list!