Have you ever wondered what all the suits walking to work are carrying in their briefcases? A 53-digit numerical combination to a gold-filled safe? Top-secret classified documents? Stacks of 100-dollar bills to pay off a blackmailer? Or maybe the briefcase has nothing inside of it except for one shiny, red apple.
Whatever your Hollywood-infused imagination can concoct, you probably haven’t figured that somebody could carry a working grill in his briefcase.
This really is a special kind of portable BBQ grill measuring 17” x 10” x 2.5” so it’s easy to carry and pack in your car for tailgating with a small group. The grill comes with a spatula and fork, but if you didn’t have these two must-have tools in the first place, you’re probably not reading this anyway.
But maybe the best part about this invention is that it costs about 11 bucks, so you can fill your “real” briefcase with all the money you have left over. For more information, visit EDMWL.com.