Not every cook is bold enough to walk the plank. But for those brave few willing to take that trek, they already know that this reference is not to prisoners on pirate ships. The truly skilled grillmasters know that using pieces of select wood will add some highly-desired smokiness to the flavor of their meat. For those tailgating grill apprentices looking to take that next step into masterhood, try using Afire Grilling Planks.

Afire supplies four different types of hardwood for the purpose of adding that desirable wood flavor. Golden Alder (pictured), Black Cherry, Sugar Maple and Northern White Cedar all bring different smells and tastes to your grill.
And unlike your buddy Tool who constantly has his fingers up his nose, these grilling planks are a sign of sophistication. Afire claims to hand select each tree they trim, preferring to cut up the smallest of trees, and even slicing off branches to maximize tree harvest sustainability. The company also boasts of more natural oil and flavor than their competitors who sell wood intended for furniture and building purposes, whereas Afire’s sections of local orchards are forests whose sole purpose in life is for maximum plank grilling flavor.
In addition to the full-sized Gourmet Grilling Planks (6” x 12”), Afire also supplies a smaller version for the more compact grills. The Mini Grilling Planks measure 6” x 7”. For ordering information, connect to