Any shmoe can grab a case of Keystone cans at the local 7-Eleven, but if you have a crowd that really likes the taste of beer, check out the Krups and Heineken BeerTender.

For the lovers of draught beer (or draft beer, if you prefer), this is as good as it gets for a home keg tap. Not only is the beer crisp and delicious (assuming you like the taste of Heineken, Heineken Premium Light or Newcastle Brown Ale), but it’s incredibly easy to assemble.
Once you’ve purchased the Heineken DraughtKeg, which is a 5-liter mini keg that fits right into the BeerTender, all you need to do is connect the DraughtKeg’s plastic tube to the BeerTender tap and you’re all set to start pouring.
The keg system utilizes an internal carbonator to ensure that the temperature is the same for each pour. The BeerTender is made with a silent cooling system that provides a consistent cool temperature for every glass. And in terms of freshness, this system is pretty remarkable, as beer tastes just the same on the day you tapped the keg as it does 30 days later.
The unit measures 21 x 12 x 18 inches and comes with five draught tubes, and the package retails for about $100. For more information, connect to BeerTender USA