Coming from the NASCAR All-Star Weekend, the Garage Guys head to the Nashville Superspeedway (NSS), for more racing action while rustling up some tailgating tips. Joining Garage Guys Chase Holden and Dale Tanhardt is the third Guy in their crew Drew, dubbed ChefBoiRDeen. Watch the video for highlights and see Kyle Larson and Ricky Stenhouse, Jr stop by our tailgate for a fierce cornhole match against Chase and ChefBoi.

Get all the Guys NSS tailgating tips and our Insider’s Guide, plus highlights from the NASCAR Ally 400 as we recap a weekend of fast cars, rowdy party nights, and awesome cornhole action. Click either image below to jump directly to the highlights or tips video. Read on as we break it all down for you!
NSS Ally 400 Highlights and Insider Guide
Streaking Kyle Larson
Although the race did not happen until Sunday, let us start with the results as Kyle Larson is the hottest driver in the world right now! Coming off three consecutive wins from Sonoma, Charlotte, and Texas, Kyle Larson wins his fourth straight race at Ally 400.
Larson led 264 of the 300 laps on Sunday, leaving the competition in the dust. Congratulations, Kyle!

Campgrounds vs. Downtown
NASCAR has said time and again that they will return over and over to Nashville. The NSS is one of the most iconic racetracks in the country. Given that, the NSS campground party vibes fell short of the Garage Guys’ criteria.
Granted, the daytime tailgating scene isn’t half that bad. Chase, Dale, and ChefBoi have some expert tips if ever you’ll be in Nashville for another NASCAR race or some other race events.
Check out the weekend highlights video below and see what happens when Kyle Larson and Ricky Stenhouse, Jr #TailgateWithUs!
6 Nashville SuperSpeedway Tailgating Tips You Should Know
1. Save up for your trip.
Nashville is quite an expensive place. So if you are planning on barhopping downtown, you’ll need to save up. Things can get pricey pretty quickly, especially when you had one many to drink.
2. Explore the city.
As mentioned earlier, while the campground is busy during the day with tailgating action, it becomes pretty quiet at night. So, when you visit Nashville, make it a point to check out the city. Downtown Nashville at Broadway and Printers Alley has incredible nightlife with bars and pubs filled with good people and even better drinks.
3. Prepare for heavy traffic.
There’s no other way through it. Big events attract crowds, and crowds cause heavy traffic. Plan your weekend with this in mind, and you should be fine.
4. Bring your party.
I can’t emphasize this enough. Nightlife is down at the campground, so you better bring your fun. Who knows? You might be the fuse that will spark the Nashville party scene!
5. Get a party bus.
Speaking of parties, a party bus is the way to go when in Nashville. You get a party bus all decked out and bring everyone around town. It’s the most fun and efficient way to see the downtown nightlife.
6. Brush up on your cornhole skills.
Cornhole’s one of the best pastimes for a tailgate. Score your friendly games using and spread the fun all around.
Watch the tailgating tips video to see the Garage Guys and special guest Ghostfinger from the American Cornhole League break it down for you.
Now you know what to do next time you’re in Nashville. Get on with your tailgate A-game and enjoy NASCAR the way thousands have!
For more Insider Guides and tailgating tips, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share your tailgating and homegating fun in the comments below or tag us on social.
Special thanks to the American Cornhole League and Duke Cannon for their sponsorship of our 2021 NASCAR Tailgate Tour. Share your Dover tailgate experiences with us below and like, follow, tag us on your social tailgating posts for shout-outs. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and email newsletter so you stay up to speed on all the tailgating insider info!