The greatest inventions of all-time are ones that permanently change your method for performing a task. Hopefully the following device does NOT fit this criteria in your world.

The RC Cooler is a battery-operated, remote control ice chest that travels up to 50 feet with the push of a button. If you cannot walk 50 feet to get a beer, you’ve already had one too many. Other than sheer laziness, this cooler does serve a purpose if you’re in the middle of a big poker hand, are involved in one of those keep-hands-on-car-to-win or are stuck inside your own folding chair.
The four-wheeled cooler holds up to 12 drinks with a plethora of ice, and comes in black, blue or red colors. It can move in four different directions and moves on both indoor and outdoor surfaces. It also has a zippered lid to keep bugs away, and the website also claims to keep “moochers” out. Can beer thieves not operate a simple zipper to abscond with your alcohol?
Batteries are not included, which is a bummer considering it needs six “C” batteries and one 9-Volt battery to operate. And when you’re all done being a complete sloth, the RC Cooler collapses to a height of 6½ inches, which is about as tall as you should feel if you part with 70 bucks to purchase one of these.
For more information, read the RC Cooler manual.