I’ve always been involved in competitive tailgating games that get restarted over and over again. In all the fun that goes on it gets tough to keep track of the score. Well not anymore, a new invention has been created to keep your drink in a safe place while taking score for every tailgating game ever! I present to you the Scorzie: the first ever hybrid drink holder and scorekeeper. I spoke with Scorzie co inventor Larry Witt who told me more about this brand new product.

GSS: How did the idea for the Scorzie come about?
LW: “The Scorzie came about one summer at a park in Denver. We were playing a game of corn hole and could not remember the score as usual. The game was taking forever and we kept settling for some random score just to get things moving again. Obviously the guys waiting to play the winners were getting upset because it was taking so long. We kept saying there had to be an easier way to keep an accurate score without dragging a big score tower out to the park. We already had enough stuff to carry out there. My partner “Aaron Polack” and I went back to my house and jumped online in search for a convenient small score keeping device for tailgating and outdoor games. No luck. That night I get a call from Aaron saying ” are you sitting down? I have the perfect idea for a score keeping device” He told me his idea and we ran with it the very next day. A few horrible drawings and 100 bad name ideas later we came up with the Scorzie. The worlds only score keeping beverage holder. “
GSS: How does this product benefit tailgaters?
LW: “This is a huge benefit for tailgaters. The Scorzie is small and light weight unlike a score tower. Most tailgaters use koozies while drinking a frosty beverage so why not combine the two. “
GSS: What games work best with the Scorzie?
LW: “The list is limitless. We have people sending in different ways they use their Scorzies all the time. The games we like to use it with are cornhole, ladder golf, flimsee, boccee, horse shoes, etc… “
GSS: What is your favorite game to play with the Scorzie?
LW: “We play a lot of cornhole since that is the most popular.”
GSS: What other products are you guys working on?
LW: “Right now we are working on a plastic version of the Scorzie for retailers to carry. Hopefully you will see it in stores soon. “
GSS: Anything else you would like to add?
LW: “I’d like to thank all the Scorzie fans out there. All the feedback and support has been great. Make sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter for special deals and weekly giveaways.”
If you would like to buy a Scorzie to go with your tailgating games, you can visit www.scorzie.com.