One of the ultimate time savers we have come across in our travels to tailgating parties around the globe is The Tailgating Kit. You can’t really put a value on your time and time is of the essence and all of that. Well, we are here to let you know that there is a way to save yourself some valuable time and money, and perhaps a few hassles along the way. Just order The Tailgating Kit in making your preparations for your next parking lot fiesta. It is shipped directly to you, so you don’t have to deal with the crowds at the store or make any complex decisions about which plastic forks go along best with the plastic plates for the party.

The Tailgating Kit is jam packed with all the details that can be so easily overlooked on gameday or when you are planning for the big day. There are plates, bowls, napkins, cutlery and utensils galore!! Condiments make the party people!! The Tailgating Kit has you covered. The Tailgating Kit is everything you need in one box. The MVP at any tailgate, The Tailgating Kit makes for a great emergency or backup supply kit as well. So… IF and WHEN your tailgate party goes NUCLEAR you will be ready. Just stay calm, be prepared, and start doing some tailgating with The Tailgating Kit!! Don’t forget to RECYCLE. Check out TODAY!
$129.99 Premium Kit – Service for up to 25 people
$99.99 Standard Kit – Up to 20 people
$54.99 Basic Kit – Up to 15 people
“it is important to keep ALL the guests happy at your tailgate, even if you yourself may not need or use items like plates, napkins, or utensils….take it from a true tailgate animal” –Thrilla the Gorilla