Let’s face it, the practice of purchasing alcohol at a sporting event is no fun. Unless you’re sitting in the expensive seats with vendors walking by every few plays, it is a huge pain to find the nearest beer stand and wait in line for 20 minutes to get a couple of overpriced, flat beers. Not only do you miss the game action you paid so much to see, but all it takes is some yahoo to bump your elbow and you’ve spilled your purchase. But thanks to another stealth invention from Papa Bert.com, your alcohol intake during games just got a lot easier.

The “Beer Belly” contraption allows you to smuggle 80 ounces of liquid into the stadium and is virtually undetectable with clothes on. This Baby Bjorn-like pouch rests on your gut and comes with a sling that adjusts to any size (up to 40” around the waist or a height of 6-foot-8) so it doesn’t require your arms or legs to do any of the smuggling. And because this pouch, referred to as the “bladder” on the web site, is insulated, the liquid stays cold for hours.
The Beer Belly holds the equivalent of 6.8 beers, 3.2 bottles of wine or 64 shots of liquor, and also comes with a nozzle that you can use to pour into a cup or just sip through like a giant straw. And because the bladder has a mouth wider than your ex-girlfriend, you can stuff plenty of ice into the pouch if it’s an especially hot day. The wide mouth also makes it easier to clean with soap and water.
Ladies can participate too, especially those that want to feel what it’s like to be pregnant without the nine months of being completely uncomfortable. For more information, connect to Papa Bert.com.