We are always looking for new places to tailgate. Well, I have a big shopping trip coming up soon to a large regional mall. I am not particularly looking forward to it. It has to be done. There are the kids schools clothes to get, as well as new business attire for me and the mrs. But that still does not mean I look forward to a jam packed mall with kids and teens and zombie like shoppers. Sure, it’s not black friday, but there still will be way too many people and too long spent looking through racks and racks of clothes and other wares.

How about a tailgate in the parking lot instead of the craptastic mall food court? It is on. I am sure the local mall security guards won’t mind.
I am going to spread out my tents and covers. Going to unload a few chairs, grills and all the tools I need. See you in between Ikea and JC Penneys…………………..