Coughlin’s Law: The money’s gone, the brain is shot. But the liquor, we still got.

Today, in 1988, the Tom Cruise vehicle “Cocktail” premiered, also starring Brian Brown, as Cruise’s mentor Doug Coughlin. Brown’s character had a number of memorable words of wisdom, or “Coughlin’s Laws” dispersed through out the film and below is a classic:
Coughlin’s Law: No matter how liberal this world may become, a man will always be judged on the amount of alcohol he can consume, and women will be impressed with it, whether they like it or not!
As far as celebratory cocktails goes, most people would do some sort of a homage to the Beach Boy’s song Kokomo that was featured in the movie, but for authenticity’s sake, I’m going to feature the drink served during Cruise’s and Brown’s characters first meeting:
Red Eye
“Hey Bahtenda, d’you know how to make a redeye?” This is a supposed hangover cure.
- 3/4 bottle of beer/lager
- 1 oz. vodka
- tomato juice
- dash or more of Tabasco sauce
- one egg raw
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Two Aspirin
Build in order listed in glass. Do not stir. Finish in 3-4 big gulps.