The summer is approaching. This is the perfect time to plan ahead for the upcoming football season. If you really want to impress your fellow tailgate partygoers this season, don’t just bust out a grill. If you’re ready to fry up some good eats, that certainly aren’t good for your arteries, roll out this 9-Gallon Bayou Deep Fryer from Kotula’s.

Just how big is nine gallons you ask? Well, it’s big enough to hold a large turkey. Three baskets allow you to cook three different foods at once without sharing the oil and mixing the flavors. Because as great as shrimp, French fries and fried Oreos are separately, it’s pretty gross to mix all of the flavors in one big vat of grease.
The fryer is also designed with a V-bottom to keep the temperature of the oil cooler than the sizzling liquid on the top layer. This not only helps protect the cook from getting splashed with the hot oil, but it keeps the cooking oil cleaner. So even though you and your friends are stuffing your faces with fattening fried food, at least it’s clean, fattening fried food.
Unfortunately, the frying equipment doesn’t come cheap. The Bayou Fryer is priced at 500 bucks and that doesn’t include extras like propane or the accessory cart containing a side shelf and storage for the sold-separately propane tank. However, shipping is free, and the Bayou comes with a limited parts warranty for a year.
For more information, connect to Kotula’